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Jesus Christ is the Answer!

Jesus Christ is the Answer!
two men writing on paper

The Ellis brothers named American Bible Society in their Wills to tell future generations about Jesus.

"The Bible contains more than words-it is the divine revelation of our Creator."

At just five years old, brothers Bob and Joe Ellis were captivated by their grandfather's zeal for God's Word. Now retired, the two brothers never forgot their grandfather's example-and never stopped loving the words of their heavenly Father.

"The Bible is something to be shared."

Bob and Joe have been encouraged by American Bible Society's 206-year legacy of Bible ministry. They want this ministry to continue for generations to come.

"He provided all that we have in order to accomplish our heavenly Father's Great Commission."

Bob and Joe found a way to keep sharing God's Word long after they leave this earth to join their heavenly Father-by naming American Bible Society as a beneficiary in their estate plan.

Thanks to Bob's and Joe's planning, generations to come will meet Jesus in God's Word, long after the Ellis brothers have joined their Lord in Heaven. What a legacy!

You can obtain more information about estate planning and other gift planning options from American Bible Society's Regional Director in your area by calling our Gift Planning Office at 1-800-549-3328, or by visiting us at

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