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Giving a Gift Back to the Lord

Giving a Gift Back to the Lord
mature woman in red wearing amber glasses

The earth and everything on it,

including its people,

belong to the Lord.

The world and its people

belong to him.

The Lord placed it all

on the oceans and rivers. Psalm 24:1-2 (CEV)

In her own words, long-time American Bible Society friend, partner and Bible advocate, Martha Sparks wrote:

The psalmist reminds us that the earth and everything in it belongs to the Lord. We do not own anything but hold it in trust from its Creator who gives us the use of it.

It is within our power as God's trustees to decide who will take our place when we are gone. One way to do that is making a Will. We can decide which persons and institutions-perhaps an organization like the American Bible Society-should take up where we leave off. As someone said, 'Life is a gift from God. What you do with it is your gift to Him.'

Martha stewarded well funds entrusted unto her and her late husband. She passed on to her heavenly reward in 2021. In her Will, Martha provided significantly for future Bible ministry through American Bible Society. Her love for the Lord and His Word guided her every decision including her estate planning.

Of the Bible she had said, "We can never come to the end of its riches."

Have you considered your legacy to provide God's Word for generations? You can obtain more information about estate planning and other gift planning options from American Bible Society's Regional Director in your area by calling our Gift Planning Office at 1-800-549-3328, or by visiting us at

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