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We Gave An IRA Gift

We Gave An IRA Gift

Donors just like you dedicate their lives to placing God's Word in hands and hearts.

Last year, Linda Carley had a very special Christmas wish.

She asked her husband Don for a unique gift . . . not to receive, but to share! She wanted to place Bibles in the hands of spiritually hungry people in China and around the world.

The Carleys are no strangers to sharing God's Word. They've both been giving to American Bible Society for 65 years! As teens, Linda and Don gave offerings to their church for American Bible Society. It is a passion they have continued in their lives together.

"The big thing for us is getting God's Word out," Don says. "We appreciate what the American Bible Society is doing, not only in countries around the world, but also here in the United States. If we're faithful to getting God's Word out, people will be uplifted. People will be saved."

After hearing about the need for Bibles in China last holiday season, Linda wanted to use one of American Bible Society's gift planning ideas to make a difference. Linda told Don, "I want that for Christmas!"

Don agreed and they talked to Rob Smith, American Bible Society's Director of Gift Planning. They learned about the IRA Charitable Rollover, which not only helps provide more Bibles, but also offers the Carleys tax benefits.

"You can't outgive God!" Linda says. "We've always put God first in every way of our lives. He's blessed us so much."

We are grateful to friends like the Carleys and you who are sharing Bibles with people in China, our American Troops, and so many more.

If you would like to speak with Rob Smith, our Director of Gift Planning, or another advisor for a free private consultation about your estate planning questions, please call us at 1-800-549-3328.

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